Workshops & Tours | ACE25

In 2025, ACE pre-conference workshops will take place on Sunday, June 8, 2025 . 
 Workshops offer the opportunity to take a deep-dive into today's most relevant water & wastewater topics.
Facility Tours take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. 
Register for Pre-conference Workshops or Tours (all carry an additional fee) during the registration process. If you would like to add a workshop to an existing registration, email your requests to

Workshop & tour capacity is LIMITED - be sure to register early to secure your spot.


ACE25 Pre-Conference Workshops

PCW00: Hands-On Workshop - Water Distribution Hydraulic Testing

Sunday, June 8, 2025  |  8:00 a.m.- 12:00 pm

Workshops are an additional fee, and seating is limited - register early!

Note: PCW10 will take place offsite. Details will follow regarding transportation and logistics. 

This hands-on workshop is intended for water distribution system professionals - operators, engineering, planners and modelers - anyone who needs to collect hydraulic data from a distribution system.  We will review data collection procedures such as where best to collect data, types of data collection, test and safety procedures, including a live hydrant flow test and hands-on with field data collection equipment.

Early-bird Rates: Member: $190 / Nonmember: $290 / Student: $90 

PCW01: Public Utility: This is your Toolkit for Best Practices and Industry Standards for Implementing a Capital Improvements Plan and Successfully Delivering Projects

Sunday, June 8, 2025  |  9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

Workshops are an additional fee, and seating is limited - register early!

This workshop is an opportunity for both new and seasoned professionals to join owners and practitioners in the same room to discuss the Implementation and management of a Capital Improvement Plan in the public water utility sector. The concept of the workshop is a drive-through the life cycle of a project, from validation and prioritization to Procurement methods and resources available to select the best delivery method for the project in-hand. Panelist and presenters will also share experiences and tools utilized by different experts that have guide them through successful completion and commissioning of their projects.

Early-bird Rates: Member: $200 / Nonmember: $300 / Student: $85 


PCW02: Connecting the Dots: Extending the Useful Life of Large Diameter Water Mains Through Innovative Condition Assessment & Rehabilitation

Sunday, June 8, 2025  |  9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

Workshops are an additional fee, and seating is limited - register early!

The Condition assessment and rehabilitation industry is continuing to advance with new technologies and approaches. This workshop will walk the audience through common water materials and failure modes, available technologies for collecting condition information, and available rehabilitation methods. Case studies by industry leading utilities will be shared to condition assessment projects that led to rehabilitation for multiple water main materials.

Early-bird Rates: Member: $200 / Nonmember: $300 / Student: $85

PCW03: Key Enablers for Effective Asset Management Programs: Technology and People

Sunday, June 8, 2025  |  9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Workshops are an additional fee, and seating is limited - register early!

Successful implementation of Asset Management Programs typically includes answering the five core questions about asset inventory, service levels, risk mitigation and funding needs.  However, there are key enablers required for program success including leveraging technology and having people that are supportive of the program and accept changing the way business is done. This workshop will delve into effective technology applications and change management strategies.

Early-bird Rates: Member: $200 / Nonmember: $300 / Student: $85

PCW04: Filter Surveillance

Sunday, June 8, 2025  |  9:00 a.m.- 4:45 p.m.

Workshops are an additional fee, and seating is limited - register early!

Note: PCW04 will be held offsite. Details will follow regarding transportation and logistics. 

Granular media filters are the final physical barrier to pathogens in water treatment. Filters must perform optimally under all conditions to assure public safety. Attendees will be taught the filtration process and operational considerations. The workshop focuses on how to conduct a filter surveillance program to determine filter performance over time, as well as analyzing ways to optimize treatment efficiency and treated water quality.

Early-bird Rates: Member: $280 / Nonmember: $380 / Student: $115 

PCW05: Scenario Planning for Lead Service Line Replacement Programs

Sunday, June 8, 2025  |  9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Workshops are an additional fee, and seating is limited - register early!

A successful lead service line (LSL) replacement program prepares for different scenarios despite a high level of uncertainty in funding, regulations, the number of LSLs, the participation by the public and the cooperation of other city departments. This workshop will incorporate scenario planning and other planning tools to open interactions among participants, identify problems and issues, and perform creative brainstorming of ideas and solutions.   

Early-bird Rates: Member: $200 / Nonmember: $300 / Student: $85 

PCW06: Extending the Lives of Old Water Mains--Using Proven, Cost-Effective Methods

Sunday, June 8, 2025  |  9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Workshops are an additional fee, and seating is limited - register early!

This workshop focuses on the practical applications of water main rehabilitation and is geared to utility managers and engineers at all levels of experience (novice to expert). Participants will gain the tools needed to start or strength a program that accomplishes more infrastructure renewal for fewer dollars, and with minimal public impacts. Includes case studies of large and small programs. 

Early-bird Rates: Member: $200 / Nonmember: $300 / Student: $85 

PCW07: Operationalizing Data-driven Decision Support – Data Management, Analytics, and AI/ML

Sunday, June 8, 2025  |  9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

Workshops are an additional fee, and seating is limited - register early!

Many utilities are just beginning their digital transformation journey, and data management is the key first step.  This workshop introduces strategies for data management, leveraging cloud services as well as on-premise tools, and consequently operationalize advanced analytics such as AI/ML with data-driven modeling.

Early-bird Member: $200 / Nonmember: $300 / Student: $85 

PCW08: Partnership for Safe Water Principles

Sunday, June 8, 2025  |  9:00 a.m.- 4:45 p.m.

Workshops are an additional fee, and seating is limited - register early!

Note: PCW08 includes an offsite tour portion. Details will follow regarding transportation and logistics. 

This full-day workshop covers the principles of the Partnership for Safe Water, focusing on strategies for operational excellence. The morning session will provide theoretical knowledge, while the afternoon includes a tour of the Aurora Water Binney WTP to see these principles in action. Attendees will learn to implement PSW principles in daily operations and define steps to achieve operational excellence.

Early-bird Rates: Member: $280 / Nonmember: $380 / Student: $115 

PCW09: From Technical to Relatable: Crafting Clear Messages on Lead and PFAS

Sunday, June 8, 2025  |  1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Workshops are an additional fee, and seating is limited - register early!

The water sector is dealing with significant new regulatory demands relating to lead and PFAS. Utilities are currently navigating the economic and technical difficulties involved in completing Lead Service Line Replacement and implementing appropriate treatment for PFAS. This hands-on workshop focuses on bridging the gap between complex water quality issues related to lead, PFAS and public understanding to improve public outreach and customer engagement strategies.

Early-bird Rates: Member: $150 / Nonmember: $250 / Student: $70 

ACE25 Facility Tours

Tour T1: Aurora Water's Binney Plant

Tuesday, June 10, 2025  |  7:45 a.m.- 12:15 p.m.

Tour capacity is limited and will sell out - register early!

This system illustrates an innovative use of natural and technical treatment methods to recapture water from the South Platte River to enhance a supply through indirect potable reuse. Tour attendees will gain in understanding of the system’s processes used such as biological filtration, ultraviolet advanced oxidation, adsorption and finished water blending to make this urban source water indistinguishable from the mountain supply. This tour will discuss lessons learned and future plans for this high performing purification facility.

Tour notes: Closed shoes and long pants required. Climbing and descending stairs will be required. Please bring ID on all tours. Additional logistics will be provided to registrants in late May.  

Early-bird rate: $80


Tour T2: CSU/Denver Water: Spur Campus at National Western + Denver Water Lab

Tuesday, June 10, 2025  |  8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

Tour capacity is limited and will sell out - register early!

Tour the new CSU Spur, The educational anchor of the National Western Center, CSU Spur is a three-building campus that brings learning to life around important global topics of food, water, and health. The tour will also stop at the new Denver Water Lab. Denver Water moved into its new, state-of-the-art Water Quality Lab in the Hydro Building on the CSU Spur campus in early 2023. The lab replaced a smaller, outdated facility in west Denver. The utility’s water quality team conducts nearly 200,000 tests every year to ensure the water delivered to 1.5 million people every day is clean, safe and meets all state and federal water quality standards. The new facility provides room for Denver Water scientists to test three times that amount in the future.

Tour notes: Wear comfortable walking shoes, and dress for the weather. Climbing and decending stairs will be required. Please bring ID on all tours. Additional logistics will be provided to registrants in late May.  

Early-bird rate: $85

Tour T3: Parker Water's Rueter-Hess Purification Facility

Tuesday, June 10, 2025  |  8:15 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

Tour capacity is limited and will sell out - register early!

The Rueter-Hess Water Purification Facility is the nation's first large-scale potable water treatment facility to use ceramic membrane filter technology. It treats a combination of local surface water, alluvial water, and water recycled from reclamation plants. In addition, the facility uses an innovative recirculating powdered activated carbon (PAC) system to efficiently remove dissolved organic carbon compounds, taste and odor compounds, disinfection byproduct precursors, and other unregulated trace organics before filtration.

Tour notes: Safety glasses will be provided; please wear closed-toe walking shoes, and dress for the weather. Climbing and decending stairs will be required. Please bring ID on all tours. Additional logistics will be provided to registrants in late May.  

Early-bird rate: $80

Tour T4: Great Divide Brewery: Arapahoe St. Plant Tour

Tuesday, June 10, 2025  |  2:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Tour capacity is limited and will sell out - register early!

Water consumption and conservation is a big topic in the beer industry. Visit Denver’s Great Divide Brewery’s brand new production facility and see how they tackle obstacles in water conservation and sustainability.  

Tour notes: Ages 21+, ID will be required. Wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather. 

Early-bird rate: $100 includes tasting fee. 

Tour T5: Denver Water's Northwater Plant - SOLD OUT

Wednesday, June 11, 2025  |  8:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m.

Tour T05 has reached capacity. Please select a different opportunity. 

Denver Water's Northwater Treatment Plant opened for operations in the spring of 2024. It can treat up to 75 million gallons of water per day, with the ability to expand its capacity as future water demands increase. Sustainability is at the forefront of many design aspects of Northwater. The location of the plant – in a valley adjacent to the water source, Ralston Reservoir – allows the plant to leverage influent pressure to produce energy. Using a 427-kilowatt (kW) Francis hydro turbine within the Headworks building, the Northwater Plant will generate up to 2,660 megawatt hours per year, becoming a net energy producer on an annualized basis with a resulting annual offset of 1,485 tons of carbon dioxide. The facility is also uniquely equipped for the impacts of climate change, with treatment capabilities able to deal with source water impacted by wildfires and floods.

Tour notes: Tour notes: Closed shoes and long pants required. Climbing and descending stairs will be required. Please bring ID on all tours. Additional logistics will be provided to registrants in late May.

Early-bird rate: $80

Tour T6: Metro Water Recovery's North Plant

Wednesday, June 11, 2025  |  8:15 a.m.- 11:30 a.m.

Tour capacity is limited and will sell out - register early!

Metro Water Recovery’s Northern Treatment Plant (NTP) began operating in Brighton, CO in late 2016. As one of the most advanced systems in the country, the NTP’s phased design provides flexibility to expand as the region grows and currently has the capacity to treat approximately 28 million gallons of wastewater per day. Along with a close-up view of the process areas, attendees will walk along the pedestrian path to see where the clean water is discharged to the South Platte River.

Tour notes: Closed-toed shoes are required, and additional PPE will be provided. Attendees should dress for the weather on the day of the tour. All guests must present government-issued photo identification upon arrival (i.e., driver’s license, military identification, passport, state-issued identification, or Colorado Digital ID™). While attendees will be shuttled along the route in Metro vans, there will be some walking required. Please contact regarding ADA accommodations. 

Early-bird rate: $80

Tour T7: Thornton Water's Water Supply and Thornton Treatment Plant

Wednesday, June 11, 2025  |  8:15 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.

Tour capacity is limited and will sell out - register early!

The City of Thornton has a complex and diverse raw water supply network that diverts water from rivers and streams through ditch canals to an interconnected series of storage reservoirs. This tour will take a look at the varying infrastructure used to convey water to and through Thornton’s water supply system including a stop at a diversion structure and a tour along the interconnected reservoir system and pump-back facility. From the storage reservoirs water is sent to one of two treatment plants. The Thornton Water Treatment Plant, the city’s newest 20MGD ozone-biofiltration treatment plant will be the final stop of the tour. Participants will be guided through the facilities treatment processes including source water blending; flocculation/sedimentation; ozone AOP; biofiltration; and disinfection. 

Tour notes: Safety glasses will be provided; closed shoes and long pants are required. Climbing and descending stairs will be required. Attendees should dress for the day's weather, and please bring ID on all tours. 

Early-bird rate: $80

Tour T8: Denver Zoo: Water Reuse

Wednesday, June 11, 2025  |  12:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.

This popular tour will sell out fast - register early!

Attendees will tour the Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance to learn about recycled water and water reuse systems. On this tour, you’ll hear from Zoo employees about the ongoing expansion of the recycled water irrigation system. Additionally, you’ll hear from Zoo employees about the newest life-support systems (LSS) at Denver Zoo. Denver Zoo has utilized life-support systems for the past thirty-years, resulting in a reduction in water consumption as well as benefiting the animals in our care. Tour attendees will learn how the needs of the animals inform the unique requirements of Denver Zoo’s newest life-support systems. 

Tour notes: Comfortable, closed-toe shoes are required, and dress for the day's weather. Climbing and descending stairs may be required. Please bring ID on all tours.

Early-bird rate: $80

Hear What People are Saying About ACE

"ACE is special to me because I get to be around people who dedicate their lives to protecting public health."

— Water Operator, ACE19 Attendee