Registration | ACE

 Onsite Registration, open daily at 7:30 a.m.

 We'll be in the Lobby of the Anaheim Convention Center ready to assist you with all your registration needs! 
ACE24 will take place at the Anaheim Convention Center: 800 W Katella Ave, Anaheim, CA

For general registration questions, or to request a PDF registration form please contact AWWA at or call 800.926.7337 or 303.794.7711
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Mountain Time

ACE24 Registration Options and Fees 

Rates below effective beginning Monday, June 10

ACE24 Registration Type MEMBER
Rate (USD)
Rate (USD)
Full-Conference $1,250 $1,450
Exhibits-Only (non-exhibitors/non-utilities) $195 $195
Student Full-Conference* $45 $70

*Eligibility is verified

Pre-conference Workshops, Tours, and Public Officials

(Available to Full-Conference Registrants Only)

  Member Rate (USD) Nonmember Rate (USD) Student (USD)
Workshops (Prices vary - see registration for details) $130-185 $230-285 $75-85
Technical Facility Tours (SOLD OUT) $75 $75 N/A
Public Officials Courses $110 per course $210 per course N/A

ACE24 Registration Category Inclusions 

Registration Type Educational Sessions Exposition Online Proceedings Lunches 
in Expo Café (2)
Expo Happy Hour Drink Ticket (1) Wrap Party Drink Tickets (2) 
Full-Conference Registration X X X X X X
Exhibits-Only (non-exhibitors)   X X   X X
Water/Wastewater Utility Employee Exhibits-Only   X X   X  X
Full-Conference Student Registration X X X X X X
Field Operator Full-Conference Registration X X X X X X
Small Utilities Full-Conference Registration X X X X X X
Spouse/Guest   X
  X  X

Justification Toolkit: Clearly articulate the connection between your organization’s needs and the benefits of attending ACE24! 

Download the ACE Justification Toolkit.

ACE24 Cancellation Policy: 

AWWA must receive cancellations in writing. Phone cancellations are not accepted. All cancellations dated on or before April 20, 2024 will receive a refund, minus a 25% administrative fee. After April 20, 2024 cancellations will not be refunded; however, substitute registrants are welcome. Email requests for substitutions or cancellations to or fax requests to 303.347.0804.

Information Release, Conference Policies, and Code of Conduct:

By registering for an AWWA event or program, attendees agree to abide by the conference policies and code of conduct. As part of your event registration, personal contact data such as name, address, and email address will be collected and used by AWWA Show Management and approved third-parties affiliates, including exhibitors and sponsors, for ACE. See AWWA Privacy Policy for additional information. If you do not wish to receive any emails from ACE exhibitors and sponsors, you may follow their opt out or unsubscribe instructions following receipt of an email from them. You will not be able to opt out prior to receiving an initial email from our ACE exhibitors and sponsors.

What Attendees are Saying About ACE

"ACE provides an opportunity to learn from world-class industry professionals about a myriad of subjects ranging from hyper-focused technical information to valuable insight on the world's biggest issues. Attending left me with a renewed sense of duty and provided quality content to help improve the utility (for which I work). The information was pertinent to the issues facing every utility, and the conference provides a forum for the exchange of ideas that is otherwise impossible."