AWWA's Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE) is the place where water professionals from around the world gather to discuss the most current industry topics, innovations, issues and trends to help solve immediate and future water challenges.
FIRST-TIME ATTENDEE PROGRAM New to ACE? This is a great opportunity to meet other first-time attendees and learn how to navigate this amazing conference so that you get the most out of your experience. Pre-registration required. Light breakfast included 7:30 – 8:15 a.m. l Location: Colorado Convention Center
STUDENT & YOUNG PROFESSIONAL SCAVENGER HUNT 10:15 - 11:30 AM | Location: Colorado Convention Center Here’s a fun way to meet some of your peers and explore the Exhibit Hall at the same time. Stay tuned for the exact Meeting Room Location where you will learn the rules and get started.
LUNCH WITH THE BOSS/COMMITTEE: STUDENT & YOUNG PROFESSIONAL MEETUP 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM | Location: Exhibit Hall -Convention Center Speak to industry leaders and experts face to face. This is a great opportunity for you to engage in conversation with water industry leaders that may inspire you and take your career to the next level or learn about a committee you can join! Registration is not required, just grab lunch & show up!
LIGHTNING SESSION: FRESH IDEAS POSTER PARTICIPANTS 3:30 – 5:00 PM l Location: Colorado Convention Center Every year the Section poster winners compete with each other at the ACE Fresh Ideas Poster Competition. Join us to watch the best and the brightest from AWWA’s Sections in fast-paced lightning session as the Fresh Ideas Poster participants preview their poster presentations.
Fresh Ideas Poster Competition & Display 10:00 –11:30 AM | Location: Exhibit Hall The future of water is here! See the best and the brightest from AWWA’s Sections compete live!
AWWA Job & Education Fair (highly recommended event) 2:00–5:00 PM | Location: Exhibit Hall AWWA Career Center Network with top companies and select universities in the water industry at this event. Including– Flash Resume Review and Interview! (3:30pm – 5pm) Bring your resume for review and practice your interviewing skills! Plus - Water Equation is providing professional headshots!
Emerging Leaders Reception 6:00–8:00 PM | Location: Lucky Strike Students & Young Professionals - Join us for this fun & interactive evening while you make lasting connections among your peers and industry leaders. Open to all students and young professionals. (light appetizers and drinks provided)
Young Professionals (YP) Committee Meeting 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM l Location: Room number to be announced Open to all Students and Young Professionals (35 & Under). Join the AWWA YP Committee to discuss and provide your perspective on the conference activities, career connections, publication and scholarship opportunities, student chapters…. and learn about engagement opportunities!
Meet other industry experts from across the globe and compare notes on how you are building innovative solutions to overcome the obstacles you face every day.
The ACE professional program covers every aspect of the water industry, allowing you to choose content tailored specifically to your needs.
ACE will feature industry thought leaders, new technologies, behind-the-scenes tours, and countless opportunities to advance your career.
"This was the first time I attended ACE. It was a phenomenal experience. I tried to make the most of the short conference and attended the young members scavenger hunt where I got to meet many other first-time attendees. I presented at a professional session and wandered the exhibition hall during my off-hours. In the evenings, I bounced around to various networking receptions. It was an exhausting but rewarding experience that was also a lot of fun."