Mark Kirkland Volunteer Appreciation Award | AWWA ACE

2024 Recipient

Randall Payton, North Texas Municipal Water District


Award Criteria

Purpose of the Award: To recognize an Operator Involvement Committee member, volunteer OR participant who has demonstrated outstanding service and a long-term commitment to helping the AWWA achieve their goals.

The Award: An individual plaque will be presented to recipient. In addition, a complimentary full registration will be offered to the next AWWA Annual Conference and Exhibition.

Frequency of the Award: This could be given out annually or whenever warranted and would also honor the memory of Mark Kirkland a long-time AWWA volunteer who offered tremendous support to this committee.

Eligibility for the Award: The award is open to an Operator Involvement Committee member, volunteer OR participant who has demonstrated outstanding service.

Nomination Procedure: Any committee member, committee chair, Division trustee or Division chair may submit a nomination documenting the exemplary service or contributions of the nominee within the past three years. Self-nominations are not accepted.

Entry Requirements: Nominations should be forwarded to the AWWA Staff Advisor of the Operator Involvement Committee or to

Nomination Deadline: December 31st

Award Committee Membership: Operator Involvement Committee

Method of Selecting Award Recipient: Majority vote of the Operator Involvement Committee after the nomination submission deadline.

Award Presentation: The award will be presented at the Breakfast for Champions at the following Annual Conference.

Past Recipients

Tony Cuzzone, City of Elmhurst