AWWA Policy on Sustainability and Social Impact | American Water Works Association

We define sustainability as: “using resources in an economically, environmentally, and socially responsible manner to meet the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet the needs of tomorrow.”

We further define social impact as “the change (either positive or negative) for people and communities which happens as a result of a deliberate activity or service.”

Since 1881, American Water Works Association (AWWA) has dedicated itself to protecting public health and assuring the effective management of water. Through educational programs, advocacy efforts, and our own business practices, AWWA actively supports the adoption of sustainable practices that positively affect triple-bottom line: people, planet, and profit. We acknowledge our influence extends beyond our membership to include local agencies, suppliers, vendors, and other stakeholders in the water sector. We are a United Nations (UN) Global Compact Participant and an Endorser of the Event Industry Council (EIC) Principles for Sustainable Events.

AWWA's Commitment to Sustainability:

  • Education and Engagement: We offer global access to education programs that help our members implement sustainability initiatives effectively. Whether through conferences, publications, or webinars, AWWA ensures that water professionals stay informed and skilled.
  • Reliable Information: AWWA provides reliable information on technologies and best practices to empower water professionals. We host consistent forums for knowledge exchange. We equip our organization and members with the tools needed to implement sustainable solutions.
  • Leadership by example: By incorporating appropriate principles and policies into our Annual Conference and Exhibition (ACE), we demonstrate our commitment to people and planet. We collaborate with local host cities, suppliers, and partners to implement sustainable meeting practices whenever feasible. We prioritize Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) awarded facilities for our expo, practice waste and resource reduction strategies, and exercise conscious procurement.
  • Local Emphasis: AWWA engages globally to recognize the unique characteristics of its local communities. Factors such as geography, culture, and community should influence actions for economic, environmental, or social change.
  • Nurturing People and Community: AWWA’s work advances the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including actions toward universal access to safe water (SGD 6), quality education (SDG 4), women’s empowerment and gender equality (SDG 5). We have strong commitment to professional growth for employees through training and career development. Additionally, AWWA employees give back to our communities with paid volunteer hours, an annual tree planting program, and various local donation drives throughout the year at home and at our events.
  • Stewardship: AWWA recognizes the importance of sustainable stewardship in organizations. This encompasses long-term resource management, ethical decision-making, and creating positive social impact. Just as environmental stewardship focuses on the natural world, organizational stewardship centers around the well-being of the organization itself, its people, and its stakeholders.
  • Continuous Improvement: Assuring sustainability is an ongoing process. AWWA encourages utilities and organizations to continually evaluate and adopt new technologies and business practices that enhance sustainability.


Origination date: April 2024